Understanding Internet

Understanding Internet

The internet is a global system with a network of interconnected computers that use standard packet exchange protocol (TCP/IP), to serve billions of users around the world. Internet is an abbreviation of the (interconnected network). Internet is used by billions of users, including the private, public, academic, business, government networks, local and more global scope. Internet is accessible almost anywhere and anytime, with a variety of ways, like the internal modem, external modem, modem on board and more.

The common language used on the internet is English. Here is the order of the language most often used on the internet: UK 29%, Chinese 22%, Spain 8%, Japan 6%, France 5 %, Portugal 4%, Arabian 3%, Russian 2%. Here are the countries most often used the internet: Asian 42%, Europe 24%, North America 15%, Caribbean 11%, Africa 4%, Middle East 3%, Australia 1%.

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